Guidelines for authors



Abstracts must be submitted in English via the online sbmission system only.

Abstracts are accepted for poster and oral sessions. All abstracts must contain the following contents: (1) Importance of the work and objectives; (2) Methodologies; (3) Main results and conclusion.

All abstracts will be critically assessed by SEGH 2010 committees after the deadline.

The word limit for abstracts is strictly 300 words.

Abstracts with insufficient information, especially limited results will be rejected.  Prolonged abstracts will be truncated.

Abstracts are accepted via the online system ONLY!

Plenary talks will be of 45 minutes. Regular talks will be of 15 minutes. This timing includes time for questions. Poster sessions will be organized at the end of each day in the patio of the Faculty of Medecine.


How to submit your abstract:


1/ Go to SUBMIT page and create yourself an account.
The abstract submission software allows you to register with your email address and a password. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link contained in this email to finalize the creation of your account. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM BOX AS THIS EMAIL, SENT FROM "SEGH 2013" MAY BE SPAMMED BY YOUR MAILBOX.

2/ SUBMIT your abstract. PLEASE CHOOSE ONE TOPIC, CROSS TOPIC or SPECIAL SESSION in which you would like to submit your abstract. Please check the TOPIC SKETCH to choose topics. Users are allowed to make changes to their submitted abstract at any time as long as the deadline has not been reached.

3/ Go to REGISTER page and fill up your personnal details. Registering does not imply paying the conference fees. It just means you are registered in our list of participants.

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